Tuesday, July 28, 2009

They're Home!

There's nothing like five days at home alone to make me remember how very much I love being with my family! Steve took the kids on the church youth group trip to Washington last week to the Creation Festival and they had a great time. I'll try and get Steve to write a quick blog post about their experiences because we all love to read his narratives on life with three kids (and 30 teenagers)!

Rainy rolled in at around noon on Sunday, so we spent a well-deserved evening hanging out together after trying (mostly unsuccessfully) to let Papa take a nap after his all-night drive.

It was wonderful enjoying each other's company and our lovely backyard. I must have pushed Sasha on the swing for 45 minutes - that girl sure loves her swingset! Ben exercised his inner monkey and only got injured once. And Sam spent the afternoon playing with his new rubber band gun and reading. Finally the boys' TV withdraw reached unbearable levels for them and so they went downstairs to watch The Three Stooges while I pushed Sasha on the swing a little more and Steve finally got to tell me about his adventures in Washington.

Here are a few more photos of their homecoming:
Our fearless little girl leaps from the treehouse into Mommy's waiting arms. Thankfully she can't climb the rope ladder (yet) so she can only get into the treehouse when we're with her.
Sam's favorite way to spend an afternoon (well, second-favorite after playing Xbox)

Welcome home everybody!

1 comment:

Tracy said...

He is reading James Bond!!! Cool...

Sasha is so brave and strong. Look at her swinging. WOW. Way to go girl.


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