Masochism. It's the only explanation. Every year we do this to ourselves, and we never learn.
This year we went with the tried-and-true Star Wars theme. We figure it's the last year we'll be able to talk Sasha out of some sort of Fairy-Princess-Butterfly getup, so we might as well take advantage of her total ignorance about Halloween while it lasts!

So, we plan to have two
Ewoks, an
AT-ST (an All Terain Scout Transport, for those without adolescent boys), and a Darth Vader. It's going to be glorious.
We managed to find this fabulous and reasonably-priced monkey costume for Sash at Target, which has, subsequent to this photo, been retrofitted to Ewoky perfection. She is thrilled with her "dog" costume (all furry creatures are dogs to Sasha) and has already learned to shriek "Neep-cha!" in true Ewokian fashion.

The cheapest costume I could find for Ben was an insane $40, so, thrifty mom that I am, we headed over to the fabric store where we purchased all of the necessary fur and notions for the low, low price of $37 plus roughly 20 hours of my time. I may want to reconsider the cost-benefit analysis on that one.

And Sam is our AT-ST. He and Steve worked all weekend on the costume, which is... um... coming together slowly but surely (emphasis on the
slowly). The first body was already completed when Steve realized that he was too wide to fit through doorways, so a slight redesign was required so that Sam could actually enter our home. Still, I'm sure they'll finish before Friday and it will be an amazing costume, he and Sam always make the most astounding Halloween creations! I'm not sure if they can surpass the
actual transforming Transformer of 2008, the
jawa of 2006, or
the Herbie of 2003 (my personal favorite), but they're up for the challenge!

We did wise up enough to buy Chornaya's costume. She's going to be the most menacing Darth Vader in town! And all of the costumes nestle within with the plotline of Star Wars Episode VI. It's a beautiful thing. Worth the tens of hours of costume creation? The jury's still out on that one, but I think that we secretly enjoy the torture.