I just can't get enough of these two in their snow gear! They're like two little snow elves and they just crack me up as they waddle over hill and dale

Two cuties pause for a breather (Ben's hat is part of his 2007 Halloween costume, GIR the alien disguised as a dog. Apparently I made the hat with plenty of room to grow)

Nobody has to teach this kid to eat snow - the second we get out of the car she's consuming it by the handful. We do try and direct her away from the parking lot snow

A happy, romping family (sans Daddy, who's working every day through the holidays)

The boys' favorite activity is filling the stream with snow and screaming with gusto about damn snow dams. I'm pretty sure this is the only reason they acquiesce to the romps

When time allows, the boys like to take a few slides down the hill. Funny thing that they're so tired during the walk but then have plenty of energy to scramble repeatedly up an icy hill to sled down...

Chorney's doggie beard does freeze up rather nicely - I think it makes her look distinguished

And we get views like this on the drive home! God bless Utah