Since we were originally planning to leave next week for Kazakhstan, we already had everything ready to celebrate Christmas on December 13th. When our travel plans got pushed back, we gave the kids the choice - stick with Early Christmas or celebrate on the 25th. It will come as little surprise that they chose to open presents two weeks early :)

After breakfast came the traditional dramatic reading of the Christmas Story from Luke and Matthew. For the second year in a row, Sam did the reading - this year in the King James version! Ben and Daddy provided a moving interpretation of the story using our stuffed nativity set. And, yes, once again it was the most boisterous and often violent retelling around... if it wasn't the angel bouncing on the shepherds, it was Ben the Giant stomping in to wreck havoc. Oh well, it's all about making the Bible relevant, right? (things I tell myself to make it all feel better)

Merry Christmas Morningstar's
True Tie Die Amazingness!
Merry Cristmas Morningstar family. I hope it was blessed. Looks like you all had a blast! Just think, next year you will have a party of 5!!!
Merry early Christmas!! I love to see the photos of the "destruction" afterwards. They make me smile as I know it truly was a festive and merry morning.
Life cereal! What a great way to start Christmas morning. :-)
I can't wait until Gigi is old enough to re-enact the Christmas story as it's our tradition to read it also before we do gifts. Right now she walks around and says, "Thank you God!" I'll take that for now! :-)
It sounds like you guys had a wonderful day.
Fun! The shirts are fabulous... Merry Christmas!
what a wonderful Christmas! Very cute and your traditions are wonderful and yes, it is all about making things meaningful!
Love the shirt in waiting for Sestra!
Jamie, I have to get tie dye tips from you, I did it this year at our youth retreat and it was a hit! Our shirts didn't turn out nearly as fabulous as yours. What is your method?
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