Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Six Months a Morningstar

As of today WanYing Hope Morningstar has been WanYing Hope Morningstar for six whole months!  It's sobering to think that this child who feels like she's been our daughter forever has, in actuality, only spent 20% of her short life as a Morningstar.

WanYing has adapted with such resiliency and bravery to the changes and challenges of losing everything familiar to her.  She has sad days and happy days, and we are grateful that the easy days do outnumber the moody ones.  We are also grateful that she now sleeps through the night most of the time :)  We are astounded by the speed with which she has learned English and adapted to her new hand.  And mostly we just marvel that God has entrusted to us such a sweet and beautiful treasure.

WanYing, we are so proud to call you ours and look forward to celebrating many more Gotcha Day anniversaries!


Alison said...

What a sweet post. An amazing 6 months you ALL have had!

Laura García said...

Ambas partes son muy afortunadas de tenerse.
Feliz aniversario!

Both sides are very fortunate to be taken.
Happy anniversary!


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