Friday, January 14, 2011

Sleeps 6

You know we're getting close to travel (emotionally if not quite chronologically) when we start to rearrange the girls' room!

Although Sasha is insistent that WanYing is going to sleep in her bed, Mom and Dad would like to pretend that there's actually a chance that the girls will actually sleep, so we opted for a bed each.

We started setup on Sunday and except for the decapitation factor with the ceiling fan, the fact that no adult-sized human can enter the bed because of its proximity to the ceiling, and the slight issue that the girls' room is such a total mess that two adult-sized humans cannot both stand in the room at the same time unless they are very comfortable with each other, the project is coming along nicely.

So, the legs of the bed need to be shortened (enter: hacksaw) and considerable cutification of the bed is required (enter: fairie lights) and a change of lighting fixture is imminent (enter: no decapitating fan). But, hey, at least we've started :)


Mike and Michelle said...

I am enjoying following your blog because I think we are following the same adoption timeline pretty closely. Our I800 was cabeled to China this week. We are going through the same bedroom transitions as your recent post. We have two daughters 9 & 5. The 5yr old and our new little one will be sharing a 12x12 room:) You can check us out at

Many Blessings in your adoption journey.

China Dreams said...

Well, at least you have a sense of humor! That makes up for any furniture and lighting shortfalls :-)


Jennifer said...

Thanks for the laugh! I needed that. Enjoy the hacksawing!

Lou Ann said...

What fan?


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