Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Day 21 - Pre-court done*

*This post was updated with photos and additional info after adoption

Wow - the past 24 house have been really crazy! The good news is that we have court scheduled for next Monday, so this time next week we should be Alexandra Grace's "official" parents!

Pre-court was... interesting. Don't you love all of our blog entries that talk about "interesting" things? There's a new judge here and it seems that whenever there is a new judge, the rules change a little and everybody has to figure those new rules out. This judge is very particular - he seems very professional and not rude at all, just by-the-book. There is something wrong with Sasha's paperwork where one paper says she entered the baby house in 2007 and one says 2008, so our attorney is straightening that one out. Then we have to collect a few additional documents from home about our house and jobs, which our agency is apostilling and will scan and send to us. The moms sure did an amazing job running all over Utah yesterday to collect our emergency paperwork!

So it was a stressful day, but now the worst of the panic is over and we are really glad to have a court date scheduled.

Other notes:
Vladim got a new car yesterday (he buys and sells used cars as a side gig) and Steve is obviously thrilled to be driven around in a Toureg! VW power!

We only got to see Sash once yesterday because of pre-court, so we're looking forward to getting back to our regular schedule tomorrow.

My favorite memory of today was the freaky gnome doll that looks disturbingly like a doggie chew toy (most of the baby/toddler toys here look like dog toys to me, I just can't let it go). I don't think that this guy is any sort of Soviet icon (thanks, Teacher Ben, for setting us straight on Cheburashka - you're now officially our cultural attaché), I think he's just a random freaky gnome doll.

Yesterday's fun new game was "sock hand". It reminded me a lot of Ben's "cup hand" game when he was little - he would put a cup on his hand, brandish it in the air, and we would all run screaming from the "dreaded cup hand". In Sasha's version, Steve puts her socks on her hands and sheer hilarity ensues, complete with sock-handed clapping. What can I say, she's easy for a laugh.

Prayer requests: Although the worst is certainly over, we are still dealing with the residual stress and worry from pre-court. I'm sure you're tired of praying for court by now, but we would appreciate your prayers for smooth court proceedings - that any paperwork we need is easily obtained, that the new papers are sufficient, that the attorney can fix Sestra's paperwork, and that the judge is convinced of our ability to care for and love this little one.

From today's quiet time, Psalm 75:2-3:
You say, "I'm calling this meeting to order,
I'm ready to set things right.
When the earth goes topsy-turvy
And nobody knows which end is up,
I nail it all down,
I put everything in place again."


Jennifer said...

That sounds so stressful. The bright side is he made his requests known now rather than on the actual court day, and gave everyone time to resolve the issues. The obvious risk is that it's not over till it's over.

A big round of applause to the super mom's! :-) That is such a blessing that you have great people in a spot to be able to do that for you.

I'll be praying for your court process- for you guys, the judge, and all the others who have a part in making Sestra a Morningstar.

Karen said...

Whew—thank goodness your judge allowed you to submit faxed documents. Our "new" judge would not so we had to wait an additional two weeks for that one apostilled document to arrive in Uralsk (it spent five days sitting in Almaty alone waiting for a plane to take it to our region).

Praying the week goes fast for you and that your court day is a breeze.

Jessica and Chris said...

Wow! thanks for sharing all that about precourt. I have been so curious.....I hope everything comes quickly to you guys :)


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