Why, the kid-sized one, of course! (Give this guy some privacy)

(admittedly, the port-a-potty in the port-a-potty is a little trippy to me)

We put the "portable" in port-a-john!

Ben found out the hard way that if you turtle a port-a-potty costume, you are stuck until your dad recovers from his fits of hysterical laughter and puts you to rights again.

That's right, my crazy son decided to be a port-a-potty for Halloween.

I love all of the details - the cleaning schedule, the "occupied" sign, the logos, the chimney... but the thing that really completes the effect is unarguably the face. Makes a mama so proud(?)
HISTARICAL!!!!!!!!!!!Hey I've got a heart shaped deposit we could make....wait I just can't go there. That is the BEST costume ever. Nice job once again Steve!
That is hilarious!! Ben definitely got his folks' creativity :-) I can't wait to show this post to Damien, who will also greatly appreciate the brand - who thinks of these things?? Awesome!
Perfect! I love it!
That is the most I've laughed at a post on any blog in a very long time. That last pic of Ben is priceless. Wicked awesome costume! Way to go, once again, Steve! You're a halloween genius!
So creative! This has got to be one of the best costumes ever. I hope my husband doesn't see this link he may just decide to copy cat next year!
Words fail me. Somehow, we miss you all the more now.
What were the steps 2 making it?
This is an amazing costume! I'm looking for pictures and video for a Halloween video project. Would you be interested in licensing one of your photographs? Email me and I can send you more info. Thanks!
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