Birthday: February 6, 2009, so she's currently 20 months old
Current Height: 30 inches (76 cm)
Current Weight: 19.8 lbs (9 kg)
Favorite activity: playing games
Favorite toy: dolls

Wan means a great number and Ying means reflect or shine, so I'm thinking we should nickname her Glitter... but Steve's leaning towards Dragon Slayer, so we'll keep you posted on the nickname wars.
We have submitted our Letter of Intent to adopt Wan Ying to WACAP (our agency) and they will add it to her file today. From there, we have many more bureaucratic steps to work through (see our full China timeline for the gory details) but we're hopeful that we will travel to China shortly after her 2nd birthday in March or April of 2011 to bring our daughter home! Happy, happy day!
I don't like 'Glitter', I'd think of Gary Glitter! And you certainly don't want that.
She is darling...just look at her sweet lips. K.I.S.S-able!
So glad she found you right on schedule. Hope glitter girl is home soon!
She's super cute, Jamie! I am excited for you, and excited that we'll both be on leave at the same time!
Congratulations! What a precious little girl you have there! My daughter from China is just 2 weeks younger than your little one. So very happy for you!!
Praise God what a blessing to the Morningstar family!! I am already anxious to meet her, I can't imagine your feelings! We will pray for patience and time to speed up :) WHOHOOOO!
Congratulations!! I have to admit, I'm a lurker on your blog. We adopted our daughter just before you did - same baby house, same agency. (We also used WPA in 2006 to adopt our son.) I followed you guys all through Karaganda -- you guys even stayed in the same apartment we did. :)
I'm so happy to follow you guys once again to your daughter!
Congratulations! She is beautiful! So glad things are moving along. Can't wait to see her with her new family!
Hooray! I am so excited and happy for you guys! If our votes count, I am leaning toward Dragon Slayer ....
Glitter is much more girly than dragon slayer.
Oh she is so sweet. She looks sad. She needs you guys and soon she will have a perma grin like they do. :)
I love the nickname Glitter. Darling. Congrats to you all that is so exciting for your family. You guys are amazing.
Congratulations and God Bless!!!!! What a sweetheart!!! May you travel soon!
I agree with previous poster, Susan. She looks sad and I think you guys will be a wonderful blessing to her. I still vote for Constellation as a nickname or you could make it into Constella (or Stella) for short. Of course Glitter is very cute though.
Congrats!!! She is beautiful and perfect and will no doubt make an amazing addition to your family. Your Ohio fan base is cheering you on!!! Erin and Hannah (Shymkent, KZ, March 2010)
She is Beautiful! You must be over the moon! Gos speed to little Wan Ying Ling!
I am so excited for you! Congrats and God bless. Oh, and my vote is for Glitter - she needs a girly name. :)
My heart melted when I read your news. I'm truly happy for you, Steve and the family.
May the months quickly pass...
Congratulations to the latest Moroningstar and the rest of her family too. I can already see her and Sasha dressing up in princess outfits & Birkenstocks!!
I hope she gets to come home sooner than later so she will have lots to smile about.
She's gorgeous! Congrats!!!!!
I am so excited for the Morningstar Family. I can't wait to meet her. I hope we can get together somewhere after her trip home to you guys!!!!
I think Glitter is precious :)
Hi! I followed your link from the waiting children yahoo group. Fun to see a fellow Utahn! Your daughter is beautiful and both nicknames are cute. (:
I've been following your blog since I saw your link on the PRS network. My older daughter was born with PRS as well. Yin Ling looks beautiful, hope your little dragon slayer will be home with you soon.
Hi, Congratulations !
We have been waiting since January for a SN child; unfortunately, we have only been shown two children through our agency. I'm beginning to think we're on the wrong horse [so to speak].
Curious, does anyone else have a similar experience with their agencies ?? I've wanted to ask via post for several months as we don't interact with other "waiting families" at our agency.
What a cutie pie! Congratulations!!
What a little love! She is beautiful! Many many congratulations on your beautiful newest addition!
Congratulations. With that steely gaze I am going to have to side with "Dragon Slayer." :)
Sorry I haven't called. Between doing pre-trip stuff and illness things have been crazy lately.
Who is your caseworker at WACAP?
Dragon Slayer??? He's such a man. Totally go with Glitter.
I'm so excited for you guys!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! Lucky girl-Lucky family. Blessings all around!
Dawn Davenport
Host of Creating a Family radio
Congrats from another Ling family! Have you joined the yahoo group? Also do check LWB AND HOLT as LWB sponsor a nutrition programme at Ling and often have pics of all the children and HOLT sponsor some of the kids in foster care. Also we had China Babies do a study on our daughter with her foster carers giving us unbelievable amounts of info and photos!
We'll be there late April as we are bringing our 4 year old back.
Jiangxi is lovely and the orphanage director appears really caring.
Congrats again
hola, soy laura les escribo desde españa.
Perdone mi ingles es malo.
Estoy casi segura que la niña Wan Ying que quieren adoptar, es mi niña apadrinada.
Estoy muy contenta de conocerles, me gustarÃa poder hablar con usteder por e-mail.
En mi blog tengo fotos de su niña.
un fuerte abrazo
Laura desde españa
Hi, I'm laura I'm writing from Spain.
Excuse my English is bad.
I'm almost certain that the girl who want to adopt Wan Ying is my sponsored child.
I am very happy to meet you, I would like to speak with you by e-mail.
In my blog I have pictures of their daughter.
a big hug
Laura from Spain
my e-mail: vip_xd2@hotmail.com
my blog: ojitosrasgados.blogspot.com
Congratulations!! Our now almost 7 year old is also a Ling baby...and we live near Logan,UT. so we are practically neighbors! She was 18 months when we traveled in 2005. I would love to chat/answer any questions if I can. My email is lobcox@msn.com
And how blessed you are with the photos from "Laura from Spain"--what a gift! Your daughter is beautiful.
What a cutie pie! Congrats!
Congratulations on your beautiful daughter!! I cannot believe all the pictures that Laura from Spain had on her blog of your daughter. Isn't God good? That will be so priceless to you. I am sure you must be thrilled to have them.
Congrats on your Daughter!!
Our oldest is a Ling baby too! She has the same lips.
Have a safe, memorable trip.
Take care, Michele
Congratulations on your beautiful daughter! My Wan Hu Ling is a Shangrao baby as well! Such an adorable face with cute kissy lips~ Congrats to all!
OK.. I am late once again!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! SHe is lovely.
I know a mom who just brought home a son from Korea with something similar. If you contact me maybe I can get you two chatting through email.
AND size... pfft... my frineds brought home a 2 year old and she was wearing 12 month size clothes. Their daughter is beautiful and healthy!!! Still tiny, but healthy!!! Emi, you may know is now 3 and is only 22 lbs. Some people are just little!!!
I used to help in a Spanish association were your daughter was sponsored so I received 3 pictures of your sweet girl.
I'm sure you'll love to have her pictures so write to me and I'll send them to you. These pics were taken in October, November and December 2009
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