WARNING - the following blog post uses the color
pink, a hue not often previously seen in Morningstar postings. Diligent readers of this blog may want to mentally and emotionally prepare themselves before reading further.
I think that Sestra's room may actually be done! After months of planning and days of painting, I think we've done it!
If you know, well, anything about us at all you'll know that we Morningstars seem to gravitate towards pizazz. Generally that means that if something
could be done simply, we find a way to make it ten times harder and very uniquely ours. The crackle paint in our room, the mural in the boys', the rust on the living room walls - it's just how we roll.

Here's the inspiration for Sestra's room - it's a tiny little picture from a magazine that Kristen "borrowed" from her doctor's office last spring. I know, it doesn't look like much, but this is the genesis of all of our plans for Sestra's room's decor. She said that it struck her immediately as "perfectly Morningstar" and I have to agree!

And here's the finished product! Of course, it's
impossible to get a good picture of, but I'll post a few angles to try and help you get the idea. I'm so happy with it! It's bright and fresh and cheery and not baby-ish but still just really fun. And, yes, we painted each one of those stupid circles on the wall. I hope that girl likes round shapes!
The rectangles next to the window are a collage frame that I got for photos from Kaz. Right now, they're just filled with scrapbooking paper that matches the room nicely. And the circles above the dresser are a cluster of mirrors that I got at Target.
Here are a few photos of the final phase of room decoration:
Gramma and Mommy hang the canopy
Time to start dotting!
The grandmothers get in on the circle action (many hands make for light(ish) work!)
The circles are done(?)
The super-cool bookshelves that Daddy mounted
We hope you like your room little one - we'll show it to you in person soon!