Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Bedtime Prayers

My favorite part of our bedtime ritual (well, besides the part where the kids go to sleep) is bedtime prayers.

It goes like this: First, Sasha prays. Then, before Mama prays it's time for Kukla to pray. Kukla puts her hands together and prays, "Guya guya guya guh. Amen." ("Guya" being Sasha's favorite, fill-the-space noise).

If Elmo happens to be in bed, he needs to pray with both sets of paws, once with his hands and once with his feet. He's a pious monster.

Even on the toughest nights, prayers with Sasha always put a smile on my face.


sandyamstar said...

Too cute!!! Night-time prayers are the best! Our favorites are the "God Blesses" when items like the walls or carrots make the list! No wonder children's prayers make God smile!

Scott and Paula said...

Not only do I love the bedtime prayers, but also Kukla's hair!! lol


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