Thursday, July 31, 2008
Summertime for Sam
Almost all summer I've been watching Dad play Metroid Prime 3. When I get a chance to play video games, I play Battlefront II. When I'm not playing video games, I play with Legos. I built the Imperial Landing Craft and the Batmobile. I like to play with pretty much all the sets I have built.
I've been reading a lot of books this summer. The Way Things Work is a book that tells about almost everything, about how it works. It's really cool. Calvin and Hobbes books are really weird. Would you expect someone to do the things Calvin does? I think I've read 20 Calvin and Hobbes books. I really like them.
I like playing with Ben. Well, not always because he's kind of a grumpy kid and he's kind of mean sometimes. He's also really fun sometimes.
I think summer's really fun, a lot funner than the school year. When school starts I think I'll be looking forward to summer again.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Ben's Library Card
Monday, July 28, 2008
Russian Lessons Continue

And now all of those bottles are neatly labeled and sealed in Ziplocs, ready to be packed away in, oh, probably six months when we actually travel. Sigh. Well, at least I am enjoying the illusion of preparedness :)
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Anniversary Lawn Party

The whole affair was pretty low key. We enjoyed fabulous cocktails (go Steve!), lawn games of bocce ball and croquet that eventually morphed into Rock Band once it got completely dark, and all the zucchini bread, veggies, and brie that we could eat, along with desserts and a champagne toast. As an aside, I have to admit that I was amazed by the voracity of zucchini bread consumption by the group - it was quite the hit of the party. That's good, because even after sending each guest home with a minimum of one zucchini we still have roughly four thousand more to eat. Good thing it freezes well!

It's been an amazing ten years and it was such a joy to celebrate with so many amazing friends. We are truly blessed.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
T-ball Season Endeth

One of the dads on the team got trophies engraved with the kids names (so cool!) which have, of course, quickly been elevated to the status of "treasured possession". They have cause some confusion, however - last night we had some friends over for dinner and when Ben proudly showed off his engraved, holographic trophy our friends naturally asked if it was because his team won. This got a puzzled look from Ben, who replied, "Well, I think in t-ball, everybody wins."
I'm just glad our boys still enjoy games where everybody's a winner!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Concert Season Begins

Anyway, this weekend brought us two big concerts - The Police on Saturday and Emmylou Harris on Sunday! And both were fantastic. I have to admit, I thought that the Police concert would be fun, but I really had no idea how very impressive it would be - they were amazing!

Not a bad way to spend a weekend!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
A Transracial Family
There are a few categories of challenges that we'll face as a multicultural family:
1. Being the weird kid in a white family.
As we are learning, kids who don't look like their parents can identify themselves as belonging to one of two groups - either they're the weird kid in a white family or they're part of a transracial family. We Morningstars are dedicated to becoming the latter - a family that acknowledges that we don't all share the same ethnic heritage and is investing in a family identity that celebrates our German, Welsh, Scottish, Pennsylvania Dutch, Mid-Atlantic, Utahn, Kazakh Morningstarishness! That's one of the reasons we're so excited to spend around six weeks in Kazakhstan - we'll have enough time to explore at least a little of Kaz and get to know the culture and people that our daughter comes from.
That's not to say, of course, that spending 6 weeks in Kazakhstan cements our status as a transracial family, but it's a heck of a start. It also means that we make purposeful relationships with other families facing similar struggles. It means that we find at least a few friends or acquaintances of central Asian ethnicity so that our little girl is aware that there are other folks in the world (and even in Utah!) who look like her and share a similar heritage. It means that we don't exclusively buy blue eyed blond haired dolls :)
Sorry if I'm coming off as over zealous here - I'm just excited about growing into a transracial family!
2. Cultural stereotypes
Another challenge for multicultural families is facing cultural stereotypes that the birth parents have never personally faced. Asian girls are smart, or passive, or Kazakh girls are steppe warriors! (ok, we probably won't hear that one, I'm still being influenced by Mongol). We just have to be realistic that just because we know that cultural stereotypes aren't universally true, that doesn't mean that our daughter's peers and teachers will be similarly enlightened.
3. Insensitive comments
Being a more obvious adoptive family means that we'll be that much more susceptible to rude, insensitive, or ignorant questions or comments. We're definitely going to have to grow a thick skin!
As a transracial family, we'll probably hear more than our fair share of "real" questions ("Are they real sister and brother?" "Are you her real parents?"), payment questions ("How much did you have to pay for her?"), and "You should have adopted kids here at home" comments. And we're not talking about heart-to-heart conversations with folks who genuinely want to understand the adoption experience, but rather in-line-at-the-grocery-store comments.
It's going to be interesting differentiating between the questions worth answering and those better ignored. We're learning more and more that the way we answer those questions really isn't for the people we're talking to, it's about modeling the right opinions and loving attitudes for our eagerly observing children - equipping for the times when they will be faced with similar questions from peers or acquaintances and won't have parents around to answer for them!
So there's a preview of coming attractions for you! We are certainly embarking upon quite the adventure...
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Our First Decade

Ten years ago, I had just finished my Freshman year of college and Steve had completed his Sophomore year, I was 19 and he was 20, we had been dating for 2 1/2 years. By the grace of God, the council of a very wise pastor, and the blessing of four very adventurous parents we were on the verge of becoming that three-stranded cord serving our God as husband and wife.
Ten years ago tomorrow a slightly sunburned and ecstatic Jamie (too much mini golf in the afternoon) walked hand in hand with her parents down the back meadow of Grace Fellowship Chapel, processing to Storybook Love and wearing a pair of brand new Birkenstocks purchased especially for the occasion :) And Steve (wearing new Birks, too, of course) took my hand and pledged his love and at sunset in the company of God, our families, and 300 of our closest friends we were wed.
And then we went inside, had Chick-Fil-A and ice cream cake and the rest is history!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Liberty Land

A brand new "adventure park" opened up recently near our home. It goes by the patriotically inspired moniker Liberty Land. It’s kind of hard to miss traveling down the interstate since one of its major features is the replica of Mount Rushmore, right along I-15, with a roller coaster running around it. Seeing the four presidential heads being reproduced in plaster along the freeway was enough to make me want to go. Besides, I’m a sucker for a mini golf course.

So I know that most places have some minor glitches when opening, but this place seemed to have everything going wrong. We tried to visit on the day that they were supposed to open only to be turned away and told to call their phone number later and see if they would be open. Only about half of their rides seemed to be working when we were there. They went on the roller coaster, the Merry-Go-Round, the go-carts, the bumper boats, and the springy droppy ride. Ben was a little short for some of the rides. The teenager at one of them just looked and said “meh, close enough.” So even though Ben was a foot and a half shorter than the height requirement, he was able to pilot bumper boats and drive go-carts, both of which he loved.

Overall, Liberty Land delivered on everything you would expect from a patriotic-themed little kids' theme park... the majesty of Lady Liberty gazing out over the bumper boats, the stately gaze of our founding fathers watching the roller coaster come through Mount Rushmore, the very odd mini golf course including a multitude of national landmarks and symbols. Yeah, it was that weird. Oh well, we had to try it once!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Don't mess with our daughter
There are some fantastic battle scenes, but most of the film is dedicated to the story of Kahn's childhood, family, and marriage. It was a great mix of compelling story, breathtaking locations, and kick-butt action. Two thumbs up from the Morningstars - add it to your queue!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Adoption ABC's
In celebration of our dossier (almost) moving to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, I thought I'd ask for your help brainstorming our Adoption ABC's. I was going to make a picture book for us to take to Kaz that includes photos of our home and family, and I thought that doing an ABC book might be a fun way to do it! (yes, we'll also bring smaller albums to leave with the judge, baby house, etc). Can you help us think of great photos for each letter?
Here are the options we have so far (admittedly, some are lame, that's why it's a brainstorm):
A - Arches, apple tree
B - brothers, Ben, back yard, bedroom
C - camping, church, cooking, car
D - Daddy, dog, dinner, dining room
E - excited, eating
F - family, friends, flowers, fun
G - grandparents, games, garden, grass
H - house, home
I - ice cream, inside
J - joke
K - kitchen
L - laughter, little
M - Mommy, mountains, meals
N - Nesbitt, neighborhood
O - outside
P - pool, parties, pals
Q - quiet
R - room, Rainy
S - snow, skiing, silly
T - tub, tubing, trees, Timpanogos
U - U.S.A., Utah
V - view, valley, vacations
W - weather, water, Wasatch
Y - yard
Z - zoo
Leave a comment with your ideas!
Monday, July 7, 2008
God bless the U.S.A.

This July Fourth was the Powells' first in Utah and they were a little slow to catch on to the fun of letting the kids light the fireworks, but by the end of the night Jack was lighting 'em like a pro and I'm pretty sure I saw Jim's eyes mist over more than once that evening, brimming with fatherly pride. The Thomas boys, of course, are old hands at all of this, as you can tell by the enthusiastic dancing amidst the smoke bombs.

Sunday, July 6, 2008
An Adventurous Birthday Party
Because I can't resist, here are a few more photos from Ben's fantastic 5th birthday party!
Happy Birthday Ben!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Happy Birthday Ben!

Ok, enough nostalgia.

Here's Ben taking one of his first photos with the new camera:

And here's the result!

Needless to say, the camera has already been a source of hours of entertainment for all.
And at Ben's request the birthday evening was spent hanging out at home - we ordered pizza and while waiting for delivery drove to 7-11 to grab Slurpees. I told Ben that his love of Coke Slurpees was inevitable because when I was pregnant with him Steve, Sam, and I walked to 7-11 pretty much every evening and shared a Coke Slurpee on the way home :) And once the pizza arrived, we all watched Shrek 3 (Ben's choice, of course)! A delightful way to spend a birthday evening, I have to say.
Now we just have to finalize preparations for Ben's birthday party extravaganza on Saturday - we have a pinata to bury, a snake cake to bake, and lots of fedoras to hand out! (he chose an Indiana Jones theme) We got the official birthday portraits taken tonight- man, those kids are so dang cute!

Happy Birthday Ben!