Saturday, February 20, 2010

Celebrating Gotcha Day

This has certainly been a week of festivities!

I don't think there's a right or wrong way to celebrate Gotcha Day, but in our family we've decided that Gotcha Day is our time to celebrate being a family, so we spend less time focusing on Sasha's birth culture and Kazakhstan (we save that special commemoration for her birthday) and more time enjoying our familyhood.

First we looked at Sasha's "Becoming Alexandra Grace" book (yes, I did finish it in time for her Gotcha Day!).

And then it was off to the bowling alley! We had a great time introducing Sasha to the fine sport of bowling and, as usual, I lost to all of my children. Some day they'll bowl without bumpers and then we'll see who's the big bowling looser! Bwa ha ha ha.

Here are more photos of our grand bowling excursion:
The ball ramps are the best!

Sam has his mother's technique

Can you believe they make bowling shows that small? So cute!

Happy Gotcha Day, Sasha, we're so glad that you're a Morningstar! Your crazy face is the perfect addition to our family.

1 comment:

Lou Ann said...

Has it really been a year? Wow - great job Morningstar family!

Lou Ann & Lexie too


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