Sunday, April 15, 2012

Biker Chicks

We are biker chicks, hear us roar! I guess the roaring is more menacing without the streamers on the handlebars and dresses on the girls... but we are a formidable force nonetheless.

We took our first ride with my new birthday bike today to Target and had a ton of fun.  As always, we attracted a lot of attention with our train of bike, trail-a-bike, and trailer, but we made it there and back without a hitch.  If fact, the girls had so much fun they insisted that we ride to church tonight despite the chilly temps.  Who am I to deny my fellow biker chicklets?

Tomorrow I plan to ride to work, so hopefully I make it there before noon and home before midnight!

With such a good looking bike, I figure I'll naturally be super-speedy... right?

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