Thursday, April 15, 2010

We Are the Truth - Our Adoption Story

With the international spotlight on one horribly failed adoption from Russia, the Joint Council on International Children's Services issues a call to action to celebrate the beauty and joy of adoption. Here is our story.

In late 2007, Steve and I decided it was time to add another child to our family. We are blessed to have two amazing sons by birth, and so far as we know we could continue to have children by birth, but we knew there was more than one way to create a family and started to research adoption. As we learned more about the joys and challenges of the adoption journey, we recognized that this was exactly how we wanted to grow our family and we leapt into the adoption adventure with both feet.

And we were forever changed.

Just over one year later, we traveled to Kazakhstan to meet the little girl who was to become Alexandra Grace Morningstar. And on February 18, 2009, she became our daughter in every way.

Adoption is not easy. Parenting is not easy. But we wouldn't change our family, our journey, the people we're growing into for anything. Parenting Sasha and experiencing the joys of adoption have touched us profoundly. We are stronger, more sensitive, more loving people with a stronger, more sensitive, more loving marriage in a stronger, more sensitive, more loving family. We have learned about the love of Christ, about grace, about redemption, and about his simple delight in his children in astounding ways.

We are so privileged to be Sasha's family.

You can read more about our adoption journey all over this blog, especially in the posts, "Morningstar Adoption FAQ" and "Adopting a Child with a Cleft". You can read about our 60 days in Kazakhstan starting in January 2009.

The United Nations estimates that there are 143 million orphaned kids in the world. Every child deserves a permanent home and loving family.


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