Saturday, May 5, 2012

A Little Lunch Rappelling

There's so much I love about my job, but the people I work with are at the tippy top of that list.  One of my favorite activities is our informal "First Friday Hike Club" where, on the first Friday of each month, we take a short hike somewhere close to the office.

This week (the first Friday in May) we headed up Battle Creek canyon and since he was familiar with the canyon a friend (JamieM - I'm JamieMo - it's complicated) brought along his climbing gear.
We had a blast rappelling down the waterfall!  I mean, it was terrifying, but really really fun, and my courage even held out long enough to do it twice. 

And we continued our perfect record of 0 fatalities in the Product Management group, despite our best efforts with team shooting, hiking, and skiing excursions. 

Oh, and when you're rappelling for the first time since high school and your "friends" shout out to look over your shoulder at the waterfall cascading down next to you... don't listen to them.

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