Confession: We are not home improvement people.
This is a little ironic, because we are both active folks, good with our hands, and Steve is an excellent handyman. But we're just not those people... you know, those people who are always redoing a room or making a new patio or whatever. Those people are odd. We are odd, too, but just not in an addicted-to-home-improvement kind of way. We have too much cycling and skiing to do.
Fortunately, our house is sturdy and not too much worse for our neglect over the past 15 years. And every few months/years/whatever we do take up a project. This year it was the front gardens. You may have confused these in the past with the front weed patches, but they are gardens now.
My wonderful mother spent days and days weeding and prepping. Mom, Ying, and I designed a lovely perennial garden that will look better year after year. My husband did a heck of a creative edging job. Ben jumped on the green waste bin so we could cram more in. It was a total team effort.
And now - tah dah! - our front entry is presentable! All it took was days of effort and hundreds of dollars in soil, plants, and supplies. Yeah, I'm guessing that's why we're not addicted to home improvement.
Project two was the side garden
né weed patch. Honestly, this one wasn't in the plan or budget, but there were some Intervarsity kids who wanted to go to camp and were willing to work for sponsorship, and who am I to turn down someone else weeding my garden? I have a keen talent for employing minions.
And now - tah dah! All it took was days of effort (even with the minion help) and hundreds of dollars in soil, plants, and supplies.Yeah, I'm detecting a pattern in the "joys" of home improvement.
But the biggest and best change of all this autumn is that my mom is now my neighbor!
Yep, Mom moved in a couple of blocks away and we couldn't be happier to have her in our lives full-time. The children, of course, are thrilled to have a captive source for candy and sodas.
We had plenty of strong arms and willing smiles for moving day |
And the best part of finishing it all was Ben's new unicycle ramp! |
Lots of changes here in Morningstarland. Welcome to the neighborhood, Mom!