his birthday, Sam received a Grow-a-Frog kit (very cool gift, BTW). The tadpole came in the mail last week... which was a little disappointing because we thought that we got to actually grow a frog from a seed or something, but getting a live tadpole delivered in our mailbox was
almost as cool as growing one from scratch.

While Sam busied himself preparing the tadpole habitat and shopping for the
proper kind of spring water (more complicated than one might think), Sasha and Ben perfected their frog faces.
And here's Sasha, leaning into the poor tadpole in his tiny little shipping bag, making froggy faces and chanting, "Awww... cute frog, cute frog":

The tadpole has survived almost a full week now and is doing swimmingly. I inspect him/her every day for signs of feet or other froggy-looking appendages, but so far he still looks like a little fishy. Sasha named him/her
Ponyo, for the star of her current movie obsession (Finding Nemo is another favorite, we're on an aquatic theme this week). I'm sure we'll post regular tadpole updates to the blog, so stay tuned!
Until then, you'll have to be content with the kids' froggy faces...