Sunday, April 19, 2020

Construction Update - Firm Foundations

It's been a busy week-and-a-half here on the Morningstar homestead. In the last week, the garage and patio have been demolished, most of the cement has been removed, the footers were and poured, giant piles of dirt were amassed and then distributed, and we're looking forward to having floors poured next week!

As I reflect on the timing of this project, on one hand this is truly terrible timing. The project is loud and dirty and disruptive during a time when the last thing we all need in our lives is more disruption!

But noise, dirt, and chaos are only part of the picture. In these times when it's so hard to keep a rhythm and when every day feels a whole lot like the day before, it's been really cool to have a project to watch and participate in that's changing every day. It's entertaining to watch the crews working (I'm sure they enjoy our totally-not-creepy constant staring at them through the windows). It's fun to see progress. It's fun to new learn things about how construction projects work. It's super duper fun to have concrete trucks and pumpers arrive at your house. It's fun to stand in the new foundations and dream about how you're going to lay out all that new space.

So, yeah, I'm grateful for our new foundations.

The giant pile of dirt provided much diversion
I think we actually had her convinced we were putting in a moat
Footer forms part 1
In comes the cement! I particularly like the pump truck guy standing on the dirt mound with his strap-on remote control. The very picture of power.
Here comes concrete truck #2!
The second layer of forms gets filled
The forms are off... the giant dirt pile remains
And here's the current state! Dirt piles gone (some backfill, some hauled away) and ready to start prepping for the next concrete step!
And, yes, the garage is going to be huge

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