I've had a to-do on my phone for about 3 months to write about the importance of creating space. #irony

As y'all already know, I'm a doer. Lordy, I'm good at doing. Yet in the wisdom of my 39 years (ha ha) I've come to realize that the magic really comes in the margins. The space around the doing. The extra. The part set aside for the sheer joy of life. That's where relationship happens. That's where Jesus really resides. In the margins. And I am terrible at leaving margin in my life. Because if your life is judged by what is accomplished, then the only thing that makes sense is striving to pack every moment full. But if your life is judged by God's economy, well, that striving really needs to get replaced with abiding. Breathing. Being.
I've looked for alternatives to the word "margin" for this. There are some good ones:
- surplus (abundant lives certainly have plenty!)
- play (I like this one - there has to be play in the system to have room to play. heh.)
- space
- latitude
- leeway
And there are some great verses to guide my focus in 2019:
Light, space, zest—
that’s God!
Hurry and help me;
I want some wide-open space in my life!
God, the one and only—
I’ll wait as long as he says.
Everything I need comes from him,
so why not?
He’s solid rock under my feet,
breathing room for my soul,
An impregnable castle:
I’m set for life.
Give me space for healing, and mountain air.
He stood me up on a wide-open field;The reality is that I believe that there's magic in the margins. That in God's economy, being and doing freedom and beauty is
I stood there saved—surprised to be loved!
So I think another year of letting God teach these truths to my heart is in order.
"Margin." I'll let that word be my meditation for 2019.
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