Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Album 49 and Counting

I am so very proud of myself - I've fully caught up with our photo albums! Album 49 (that is, album XLIX - the roman numerals seemed like a good idea until about 30 and now I have to look up each subsequent number because, let's face it, nobody knows roman numerals past 20ish) is complete and the first half of 2018 is documented! I am feeling very accomplished.

You see, I fell behind about 7 years ago when life got really heavy, and a few years ago I finally felt ready to pick up where I left off. It took me around 18 months to catch up to today (hooray!) and we now have 49 - can you believe that? - albums full of our stories and memories.

Now, I know what you're thinking: Jamie, you have enough actual things to do, why do you need to manufacture hobbies to eat up that pesky spare time? Plus, does anybody even print out photos anymore? Also, do you have space for those albums?

Answers in reverse order: No. Well, I do. And, yes, I do think there's a bit of a compulsion going on. But I genuinely like doing it - I print out these blog posts, buy set of assorted Sharpies, arrange the photos on pretty paper (no stickers or cut outs or crap, that's way too much work), get to use fun adhesive runners to stick the photos to the pages, and it gives me something to do when we watch TV.

But the main reason that I spend all those hours chronicling our history is that the kids really enjoy having something physical, tangible to look through. The literal story of them.

They get to laugh at the silly stories and pictures, marvel that they were ever that small, and relive the happenings that have disappeared from their memories.

It's a precious thing seeing your daughter lug album after album upstairs day after day to read while she's falling asleep.

So bring on the next 49 albums! This story is just getting started.

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