I have finally hit the most mythical of ages, the age that so many folks claim for years and years and years - I'm 29! And I have to say that it was a
wonderful birthday.

The festivities started Friday night with a 20's-themed murder mystery party at the house. I've heard from several people who have viewed this photo that they've never seen me looking quite so... made-up. In fact, one of our guests didn't even recognize me when I answered the door (although he's a guy, so take that for what it's worth). Yes, it's true, I don't think that I've ever spent so much time on hair and makeup! But when you and your girlfriends are pursuing the perfect look, time just has to take a back seat to glamor. My part was that of the reporter, so my costume was suspiciously like what I wear to work, but I am happy to report that I finally found a good occasion to wear the silk stockings that my grandmother gave me years ago, complete with seams up the back!

We had a fabulous evening of murder and mayhem - if you've never done a
How to Host a Murder before, they really are a lot of fun if you have a group of slightly theatrical friends (and, yes, our friends are often well beyond
slightly theatrical, as you can tell by the costumes!). We started with cocktails and hors d'oeuvres in our Chicago speakeasy and Steve was, as always, the consummate bartender. Then we did a few rounds of the game, paused for dinner (Steve made a heavenly penne rustica), and finished up just after midnight! Yeah, it was a lot of partying for somebody who's
almost thirty.

Oh, and I'm sure that you'll all want to know what Steve got me for my birthday (as if throwing a fantastic party wasn't enough). This year, he rigged up a Bluetooth connector for the iPod and purchased matching Bluetooth headphones that go inside of my motorcycle helmet! I love listening to audiobooks as I drive around but, of course, headphones are a big no-no when driving a two-wheeled vehicle. So Steve found safe, legal, tiny speakers that go inside of my helmet so that I can still hear what's going on around me but can finish up Pride and Prejudice while driving the scooter. What a fabulous man.

And then Saturday brought even more celebration! We headed up to Park City for the afternoon and took a ride on the Alpine Coaster (which we just found out is open in the winter!). Then we hit The Canyons for a free Rusted Root concert (a favorite band), and by the time the boys' boots were finally filled with enough snow to make them truly miserable, it was time for our dinner reservation at Zoom! Yep, it was a fantastic birthday - almost good enough to make me look forward to my 30th :)