My baby is four - count em, four years old! It's amazing the difference a year makes... last year she didn't know what to make out of these crazy people singing and lighting candles, but this year she was
totally into the whole thing, plotting her parties, counting down the days, making treats for school, and insisting on birthday cupcakes for her birthday breakfast.
This girl knows how to celebrate!
As befits a celebratory day, the morning started with disheveled hair, a tiara, a stuffed animal, and presents! |
Every year we give WanYing a "China present" (a gift we bought during her adoption trip). This year she got a Mickey Mouse from Hong Kong Disneyland :)

There's a story to the zebra coat - when WanYing first came to us she was dressed in about 400 layers culminating in a faux zebra coat. This winter she re-discovered the zebra coat (which has definitely seen better days!) and insists on wearing it everywhere, much to our chagrin.
So when Laura found a new zebra coat while out shopping a few weeks ago, we knew it was the perfect birthday present! I definitely look forward to retiring the old coat... but I secretly love that WanYing loves looking so very fabulous :)
After breakfast WanYing and Baby Bob put on their fantastic matching birthday outfits from Grammy and Buddy |
Of course, a single day of celebration could never be enough for this party girl! On Saturday, WanYing and her friend Lilly shared a birthday party at
Kangaroo Zoo (a local bouncy place).
We promise that Sasha enjoyed the party, too, despite her magnificent pout during the group photo.
See, I told you she had fun! |
Ben "helps" his sis down a big slide |
Woo hoo! |
Opening gifts with Lilly. WanYing was a more "precise" (read: slow) opener so Lilly had to wait around a lot |
Happy Birthday! |
And we finished out WanYing's Fourth Birthday with some skiing at the Sundance Nordic Center and dinner at the Foundry Grill |
Happy Birthday, WanYing!