*This post was updated with photos and additional info after adoption
Our bonding period is now complete! Three cheers for completing one more step of the process of bringing Sasha home!
Yesterday morning we notarized our official petitions for a court date, so now we're just waiting. Most likely we'll have a pre-court hearing where we just state our names and submit our paperwork and then we'll have the real hearing a few days later. For now, the schedule stays the same - we're still visiting the baby house twice a day and getting to know our little girl better and better!

Yesterday we introduced Sash to the 8th wonder of the world - a bottle of water. Well, I guess she technically introduced herself to the bottle because she found my bag unzipped and she can be
really speedy when she spies something she wants! It was sheer joy for probably 45 minutes as she carried it around, sloshed it back and forth, and then even got to drink out of it. Hilarious. These simple pleasures are so astounding - a water bottle is really fricking cool if you've never seen one before!

We had a quiet evening at the hotel last night - we bought cheese and bread and then realized when we got back that both of us were repulsed by the idea of more cheese for dinner. Heh. Our lives are very complicated, apparently. Oh well, we were more than sustained by bread and yogurt. No juice, though. There was an incident with the "refrigerator" in our room (that is, the window). We put things on the window sill to stay cool but we got a bunch of extra snow and one thing lead to another and, well, the juice is now on the roof a story below our room. I volunteered to hold onto Steve's ankles while he crawled out on the snow-covered roof to retrieve our precious apple juice, but apparently there are limits to his love for me.
Prayer requests: Steve and I are both feeling a bit under the weather. We've thus far escaped the real yuckiness that has plagued a few of the other couples here (stomach flu, bad coughs, etc) and we are
grateful for that. We'd sure love to feel a little less draggy, though, and if you could keep the health of all five of us in your prayers over the next few weeks we would sure appreciate it!
One mission accomplished :)
Just really try to enjoy each day in Kaz although I know as the days go by sometimes it gets harder. I am so happy to be home but at the same time I miss Karaganda.
Enjoy your time with S because before you know it you will be home & will be thinking about all the quality time you enjoyed.
Congratulations on completing bonding! Awesome news!!
I hope you guys feel better soon. And get some juice. :-) Cute story.
WOW this time has flown by (for me anyway :). You are in my prayers as you reach this enormous milestone on your journey. Now don't just hang in your hotel while you wait, get out and get to know Sestra's birthland. There is much to do and see and experience!
I'm sorry you guys are feeling under the weather :( We are praying for a fast court date so the boys can come!
One step closer to your daughter--congratulations. Before you know it, the judge will be awarding you custody. Very cool.
I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. May you stay healthy throughout your journey in Kaz.
Yay! I was thinking about you guys today and if you had tried the horse! :)! It's become my ritual to read your blog before I go to sleep...:)! You are in my prayers! Miss you guys! :)!
Steve is just no fun!!! Maybe we should have hung him out the window as a child to prepare him for this stage of his life! Sounds like all three of you are having a wonderful time!!! Abby's been "God blessing" people during our prayer time and all of you have made the list! (Usually before Tigger and the star in her room which is high praise!)
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