Ever since we've arrived here, there has been a looming presence in the room that we've been visiting our daughter in. It fascinates her, it intrigues her, but bottom line is that it scares the daylights out of her. The door that goes into the room has been an object of allure and concern. She knows it's where everyone in her life enters and leaves and yet she can't fathom what is beyond it. Do we all just stand there waiting to see her again? Do we change into some mythical creature and fly away? I'm not sure what she thinks happens, but I know that what is out there will surprise her.

Her entire life she has been spent inside just a few rooms (or as long as she can remember, that is). The outside is something that has been glimpsed from the upstairs window in her room and nothing more. The first day we visited her, one of the many bustling people going into and out of her room left the door ajar. She ran towards it, paused and then peeked out the cracked door knowing that she wasn't allowed out, but dying all the same to see what was out there.
And we are the lucky ones. We are the ones who are going to change all that for her. She'll see so many first things just by trusting in us and taking hold of our hands.

We caught a little glimpse of what that day will be like for her when we toured the baby house on Saturday. She clung to us as we took her down the stairway outside of her room's door. Her eyes were wide as she marveled at the painted walls and vibrant colors in the carpets. Everything was brand new to those little eyes. And she hasn't seen anything yet.
Oh how I long to show her the ocean and butterflies and the swing set in our backyard. She might have seen these in pictures or seen them out her window, but not until this moment have things like these been conceivable to touch, smell, and explore. The time is coming, Little One, where we will take you to see things that'll take your breath away. It is our privilege to do it. Just a little more time and every opportunity out there awaits you. Just a little more time to go.
Prayer requests: Please pray with us that all of us, all five Morningstars, will embrace the adventure of life to the full that has been planned and designed for us! It's so easy to sit back and want life to be easy, but we want so much more than that for ourselves and for our children. Pray that we will cultivate a home and attitude that looks forward to each new day as a chance to learn more about the journey we were designed for.
Also, apparently Mom broke her wrist yesterday. The good news - it was not child-induced. The bad news - well, it's broken (a skiing-related injury). I'm sure she would appreciate your prayers and encouragement.
What a powerful prayer request. I feel that as a wife and parent, I should be praying this every single day for us as well.
I can't wait to see your beautiful Sestra. I can already tell her cheeks have been kissed much by her Mama and Papa- how could anyone resist? :-)
It is amazing to think of how little these kids have seen and experienced, yet on the other hand, how much they've experienced at their tender young ages that people like you and I can never fully comprehend.
I hope the wrist heals quickly and well! Oh no!
It'll be amazing to witness her expressions as she ventures beyond the big door. You have so much to show her—what a wonderful gift. I'm so happy for you and for her. Life is good.
Wow! I can't wait to watch you do all these things with your wonderful daughter! Capture lots of pictures of her emotions and she adventures out into the big world!
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